Beamerman Blog 1

A new beginning

Published on September 13, 2021 by Lightcaster Studios


0 min READ

Welcome to Lightcaster Studios! Today we will be introducing our very first game, Beamerman, to the world!

What is Beamerman?

Beamerman is a fast-paced isometric action game, where players fire lazer beams and strategically reflect them to defeat their enemies while trying to avoid catching themselves in the crossfire. Surprise your foes with a well-placed ricochet shot and be the player with the highest score to win the game!

We drew inspiration from games like Bomberman/Playing with Fire, Boxhead and Terraria. In Terraria, there is a weapon called the Meowmere that fires a projectile that could reflect off walls and hit enemies. With that in mind, we thought that this concept of reflection could be applied to Bomberman’s linear explosions to create a fun new way of attacking, giving rise to the idea that is Beamerman.

Beamerman will launch with solo play against AI and a 4 player local co-op mode.

We hope you will enjoy our game! We will be sharing more info about the game in the future so look forward to it!